Svet Evrope je objavil razpis o financiranju DEKD projektov

Objavljamo razveseljivo vest, da je Svet Evrope razpisal financiranje 10-tih projektov po 10.000€ v okviru Dnevov evropske kulturne dediščine.
Rok za prijavo, ki začne teči z današnjim dnem, je 20. maj 2018. Projek lahko prijavite preko spletnega mesta

V nadaljevanju je vabilo z vsemi razpisnimi pogoji v angleškem jeziku.
»The call for European Heritage Stories is an exciting opportunity for you to tell the story of Europe in your heritage site, but also the work you do. As part of the efforts to recognise the importance of you, as the local organisers involved in the European Heritage Days, we are happy to introduce you with an opportunity to apply for funding in a restricted Call that has been created within the celebration of the European Year of Cultural Heritage. The Call is set to be continued yearly.
If you have a story to tell and/or could benefit from some further funding, you are eligible to apply and potentially receive €10.000 funding for your project/activity/event. Check out if your project is eligible for the grant and fill out the application form on the European Heritage Days Portal as of midnight CEST 20th of May 2018 using the following link
Please note that there are different eligibility criteria for just publishing the Story on the website and for applying for the grant. All eligible Stories will be promoted on the EHDs website no matter if you have applied for the grant or not.
If you apply for the grant and your project (Story) gets pre-selected, you will be asked to send more detailed total budget and project proposal by 31st of July.
Selected Stories for the grant will be notified by the 21st of September.
European heritage Days is a great opportunity for your project to get more visibility as the selected Stories will be highlighted on the EHDs portal and promoted through their newsletter and social media channels.«